Affordable housing

Affordable housing is the foundation of community wellbeing and prosperity. It creates local jobs, strengthens purchasing power, attracts employers with a stable workforce and reduces the demand for emergency services.

In November 2021, Stronger Foundations: Alberta's 10-year strategy to improve and expand affordable housing was released with an ambitious goal to provide safe, stable, and affordable housing for an additional 25,000 households. However, not enough progress has been made in achieving that goal. Our strong community of non-profit affordable housing providers need stable, predictable, and ongoing investment to develop new homes to meet escalating demands, including operational funding.

Election day is May 29, 2023

Vibrant downtown infographic

Why is this important?

The private housing market meets the needs of approximately 78 per cent of Calgary's households. Of the remaining, four per cent are supported by government and non-profits, but 18 per cent of Calgarians cannot find housing affordable that is relative to income. It is especially difficult for Indigenous people, newcomers, people with disabilities, lone-parent households and seniors. Addressing this critical need requires collaborative partnerships. Major funding tools needed to make an impact, rest with the federal and provincial governments. The City is committed to contributing investment, leveraging it with federal and provincial funds to increase the housing supply to meet the Canadian national average and improve social well-being.

We have heard the following from Calgarians:

What The City has invested

What we need from the province