Do you have a guest artist featured on your recordings? If so, you’ll need a featured artist agreement to work out the details of their royalties, credits, ownership, and a whole lot more.
Understanding Featured Artist Agreements, Side Artists and Guest Stars" />
There’s a lot to consider when having another artist guest on your tracks. Exactly what services will they perform? How are they being compensated? How is their name and likeness being used in the credits and promotion? Who’ll own their performance at the end of the day? All this and more needs to be established ahead of time in a featured artist – aka side artist – agreement.
This course teaches you everything there is to know about these mutually beneficial arrangements between artists. It explains the featured artist agreement - and how and when to use it – in detail, in language that’s easy to understand. By the end of this course you will know these deals inside-out and be able to perfectly execute your own featured artist agreements. And to help you along with that, a complimentary Creative Intell featured artist agreement you can download and adapt for your own deals is included.