FREE 11+ Reseller Agreement Templates in Google Docs | MS Word | Pages | PDF

You are in the resale business when you, as a company or individual merchant, buy goods or services in order to sell them in turn. This calls for a kind of distribution or retail agreement with the original seller. For that purpose, you can find agreement samples a from this list for reseller agreement contracts.

Agreement Template Bundle

agreement template bundle 788x510

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11+ Reseller Agreement Templates

Reseller Agreement Template

reseller agreement template

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Restaurant Reseller Agreement Template

restaurant reseller

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One Page Construction Reseller Agreement Template

one page construction reseller agreement template

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Product Reseller Agreement Template

product reseller agreement template

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You can find a reseller agreement template here for mostly anything you would be in the business of redistributing, whether it is a physical consumer commodity, software and Web domains, a company, capital goods like equipment, or partner services like advertising.

Software Reseller Agreement Template

<a href=software reseller agreement template" width="390" height="449" />

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Advertising Reseller Agreement

advertising reseller agreement

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Company Reseller Agreement

company reseller agreement

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Equipment Reseller Agreement

equipment reseller agreement

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Mutual Reseller Agreement Template

mutual reseller agreement template

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Value Added Reseller Agreement Template

value added reseller agreement template

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Standard Reseller Agreement

standard reseller agreement

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Reseller Contract Agreement Sample

reseller contract agreement sample

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reseller agreement template 788x

Data from Statista showed that the market value for apparel resale worldwide is $24 billion as of 2018.

Meanwhile, its growth rate in the online platform is 35% on a global scale.

Aside from that, the second-hand luxury goods market is also rising. Results from a study revealed that approximately 30% of consumers bought second-hand clothing during the same year.

Why Do I Need a Reseller Agreement?

Like any Buy-Sell Agreement, the reseller agreement will seek to authorize you to sell something that you have already purchased legally. Your typical Sales Agreement will come with its own terms and conditions and sometimes even usage restrictions in regard to the commodity.

Reselling these commodities for profit could be a breach of your original contract if it does contain a clause that allows for it.

The best way is to go with a reseller agreement from the get-go.

When Will I Need a Reseller Agreement?

Make sure these considerations are addressed in the terms and conditions of the reseller agreement to avoid legal lash back from both sides of the supply chain. Find more professional agreement templates by visiting this link.

How Can I Use These Templates?

Every kind of Vendor Agreement will have to provide for the specific relationship between the wholesaler (or product licensor) and the reseller (or retailer).

It is always recommended to have a lawyer go through the terms and conditions to make sure your specific needs and considerations are being met. You can then easily edit the template to reflect this. Explore additional reseller agreement templates on our website,, to find a variety of options that suit your needs.